Our Whakapapa

This website has been a dream for us, as partners, for a long time. It’s taken a lot of teamwork, and some help from some other awesome people along the way. We’re individuals who have come together to make this a reality - Tahi Ngātahi.


We’ve teamed up with our mates to make the woolshed safer for all. Our members will be looking to hire certified staff, people wanting to have a long and happy career.

Federated Farmers

We’re keen to see injury numbers on all parts of the farms reduce, and this is one way we can help by supporting everyone who works in the woolshed to learn and work together on how to be safer.


Your ACC levy helps everyone be safe in the woolshed and supports anyone injured to get back to work as soon as possible.

Work Safe

If you are a farmer, a contractor or a shearer there are things you all can do to manage the risk of injury or illness in the shearing shed.

Our Goals

Less injuries

Most injuries are preventable, being part of Tahi Ngātahi means we can share what we know about how to reduce the number of injuries. We’re aiming to reduce injuries by 30%.

Less "red tape"

Another of our goals is to make employers' lives easier. By getting your staff certified, you won’t have to repeat what they already know. We also show you how to do things, as well looking after some of the record keeping for you.

Showing we care

There are lives on the line. When something goes wrong a career can be sidelined, and that affects a LOT of people. We want to see everyone home safe, and back at work tomorrow. It’s that simple.

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